Sunday, 16 February 2014

Relocating Pet, with no fret

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” 
- Anatole France
Loving an animal and soul awakening are being linked and this shows how serious people were about their pet animals

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." 
- Immanual Kant
A man’s kindness is being weighed by the way he treats the animals.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” 
-Mahatma Gandhi
According Mahatma Gandhi, the greatness of the nation is at stake, when you do not treat the animals in a proper way.

“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” 
There are people who refuse to accept humans as their companions and consider their pets to be their perfect companions

“Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms” 
- George Eliot
The comfort level with animals is high to some and they feel it is impossible to agree with humans.  Complete harmony with their lovable pets.

“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will  not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man” 
-Mark Twain
Some go a step further and keep their trust only on their pets. They consider humans to be unpredictable and not-so trustworthy.

A Pet owner: To be or not to be

People usually get pets for companionship, to protect their place of living or because of the beauty of the animal. A pet lover will be prepared to face any task for his pet’s well-being. But if someone is not inclined to having pets they may see these hardships faced by the pet owner as tedious and useless. It just depends on how important your pets are to you and what are your priorities. The common reasons cited for not owning a pet are lack of time, limitations in the place of living and maintenance while travelling. If you love having a pet, you will eventually find a way to have a pet.

Benefits of owning a pet

Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depressions, abnormal blood pressure, anxiety and heart ailments. Owning a pet relaxes and calms one’s mind during stressful situations. Stress related health issues are less prevalent among pet owners.

Owning a pet or being a guardian?

Pet owning is being replaced by the concept of pet guardianship. Because it protects the pets from any abuse by its maintainer and make his/her liable for any damages caused by them.

Pet travelling and Relocations
The Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) is a system which allows animals to travel easily between member countries without undergoing quarantine. A Pet Passport is a document that officially records information related to a specific animal, as part of that procedure. The effect is to drastically speed up and simplify travel with and transport of animals between member countries, compared to previous procedures, if the regulations are followed. In some countries the formal passport is needed. Others will accept documentation in any form, so long as it is clearly evidential of the procedure being followed. Usually the animal and its papers are checked thoroughly both on boarding or export, and again upon arrival.

Reducing the stress of relocating

Pets may face stress and anxiety while they move to a new place. Cats are extremely sensitive about the change of place. A pet could be accommodated in a friend’s house or boarded at kennels or kept with a pet sitter. These options also result in unfamiliar situations to the pet. This is not an option when moving permanently. When moving permanently it’s better to consult with a relocation company which can provide pet relocation services. Availing a relocation company is very useful because you will be clearly guided about formalities, rules, regulations and local information about relocating a pet. The stress of relocating can be minimized and executing the relocation process can be handed over to the relocation company.

When moving to new place with a pet…

  • Be aware of the temperature levels in the new place. It is very important to consult with local pet owners and veterinarians to receive information about providing easy transition for your pets.
  • Identify ideal times for walking your pets, because your pets may face health problems while venturing out in unsuitable conditions.
  • It is always important to get a feel of the level of pet animal tolerance of your neighborhood. Some neighbors may object to the presence of pet and country law may not be favorable to the pet owner. Make sure the pet has proper identification and keep it safely within the confines of the home or garden
  • If your new place of living has stray animals, it is very important to keep your pets away from infection. The chances of your pet being seen as stray animal and being taken away is possible.
  • Keep your pets away from plants which may cause them allergy.

For all your Pet relocation needs, contact
India Toll Free No. 1800 102 0110

Interem: Your perfect relocation partner across the world.

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